Travels We actually have quite a few pictures from travelling, but I haven't scanned all that many in just yet. For now, here are a couple of pictures from Macau and Vancouver. The picture on the left is the Macau skyline as seen from the top of an old fort which was converted to a museum of Macau history. To me, Macau looks a lot like Hong Kong, only shorter. The buildings probably average between three quarters to two thirds the height they do at home. On the right is a group photo taken at the ferry terminal while waiting to board the boat to Macau. From left to right we have Fion's friend Rhoda, Rhoda's friend Fanny, Fion and then me. Fanny grew up in Macau so she was our tour guide. Actually, she was more like a restaurant guide. For some reason, the women were mostly interested in looking for food while we were there. I personally wanted to visit the racing museum and race track (with go karts and simulators) but we never made it there. We did investigate lots of local food though.