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The Apartment

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The apartment is basically T-shaped. When you come in, you stand in a short corridor with a closet on the left and a small bathroom on the right. The main room is empty on the right and has some kitchen space on the right; windows are on the far wall.

A look to the left...

Left window

And a look to the right... Gotta love the mismatched radiators and trim.

Right window

Hmmm... looks like I might want to do some painting if I get around to it.

Now, standing on the left looking back to the right towards the kitchen... Unfortunately, that's an electric stove. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure the electricity company ever confirmed with me that they are turning the juice on today; better check that out.


Now, standing on the right in the kitchen looking towards the main space... There is a coaxial cable dangling there for TV and cable internet and a telephone jack too. I was originally going to go with a DSL line since my sympathies with the phone companies because of my background, but since they require you to have a telephone line before hooking up internet, I went with the cable company instead since they don't force you to get television service.

Main room


I just received my mattress, so here you can see the room in better scale.

Room and mattress

And to complete the tour, this is the bathroom...


... and the closet; not that this is a particularly edifying photo. It's hard to take pictures of small, confined spaces.


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